Monday, November 30, 2009

School Of Athens - Raphael

Which character would like to be in the painting 'The School Of Athens', and why?

I would like to be Pythagoras because as Lamblichus said once, that Pythia his pregnant mother would give birth to a man extremely beautiful, wise, and beneficial to humankind. It is said that Pythia was the mother of Pythagoras. It was natural for the ancient biographers to inquire as to origins of Pythagoras' remarkable system.
It is not easy to say how much Pythagoras learned from the Egyptian priests, or indeed, whether he learned anything at all from them.

The secret religious rites of the Pythagoreans exhibited nothing but what might have been adopted in the spirit of Greek religion, by those who knew nothing of Egyptian mysteries. There is little direct evidence as to the kind and amount of knowledge which Pythagoras acquired, or as to his definite philosophical views.

School Of Athens - Raphael

Which character would like to be in the painting 'The School Of Athens', and why?

I would like to be Pythagoras because as Lamblichus said once, that Pythia his pregnant mother would give birth to a man extremely beautiful, wise, and beneficial to humankind. It is said that Pythia was the mother of Pythagoras. It was natural for the ancient biographers to inquire as to origins of Pythagoras' remarkable system.