Sunday, March 14, 2010

The Lost Boys of Sudan

Peter... That is my name. I've been having some trouble keeping up with the culture here in America. Everything is so different, everything is at a very brisk pace and everything is confusing. This is contrary to the life I had back in Sudan, where everything was calm, cheerful and at a very slow tempo.

Here the standard of living is very expensive. I try to keep up with my rent. Food and clothes are quite manageable here because of my
frugal way of living. School and school work are a problem. After school I have to earn a living and after I finish work I still have homework from school. This keeps me up very late. The next day I have to repeat it over again. I find myself tired, stressed and sometimes a bit depressed. I hope things will get better.

I think my family back in Sudan is most important. They need my help but right now I am unable to assist them because of my very tight schedule. They have no idea how many resources are available here in America and one day I hope I can share these with them. I have also realized that
racism is quite common here. Some people think that because I am black I am a danger to them and feel we are all criminals because of our color.

People also didn't talk to me. Well, only people with the same skin color interacted with me. I still tried to fit in by trying to join basketball games with the white people. I try to fit in by eating American food, like cheesburgers, fried chicken etc... I got a car, it took me a while to learn to drive it.

Overall I feel that over a matter of time I could learn the American ways. Easier handling of things I haven't been used to and interacting with different people from a different race or color.

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